
This post originally started life out as a tongue in cheek statement of essential “facts” that I thought most people should have a base line on. It all started when I hand wrote a limerick and showed a friend. My friend asked “what’s a limerick”…….

So that got me thinking about a series of “facts” that I thought most people would / should know, Continue reading “Intelligence”

Sometimes I just play that ol’ 6 string

Music and I have an interesting relationship. I didn’t really care for it when I was growing up; whatever was on the ol’ wireless kept me entertained not that I listened much as I was always outside playing games, sports and god knows what else. Continue reading “Sometimes I just play that ol’ 6 string”

Liebster Award – aka I need a blog to write and this comes along

Gees this would be so much easier if I had 2 screens and not a 14 inch Lappy. Oh well I’ll come back to that point later

Well firstly thanks to dorkyglassesblog for the nomimation of the Liebster Award; I’m just glad you like my blog and I hope you keep enjoying it

Part 1 – tick

So Questions, questions, where are the questions (two alt/tabs later) – oh there they are Continue reading “Liebster Award – aka I need a blog to write and this comes along”